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Yasmin's Modeling Journey

1. Can you give us a bit of background on how you started your career and how you evolved? What changes have you seen in you from beginning to here?

-I started modeling when I was around the age of 16/17. During my early 20’s, I immersed myself deeply into the world of fashion and art. I worked with a boutique modeling agency as a booking agent for a little while and was still doing a lot of print modeling work simultaneously. As time went on, I felt this deep pull to start doing photography. I’m a very visual person and I love creating and bringing different concepts and visions to life. I’ve had so many transformations and changes since I started my journey and I’ve loved every angle of this creative field. I’ve learned so much about myself — both good and bad.

2. What's been the biggest highlight in your career so far?

- I’ve had so many incredible highlights in my career! One of the best highlights is that my work has gotten featured in a few magazines. There’s no better feeling than seeing your results in tangible form.

3. What's your dream and goal which you want to achieve in your career?

- My biggest goal is to become a world renowned photographer. I want to be known for standing out and doing things differently in this field. I want to help others see their soul essence through the photos I take of them and ultimately, I want to transform this industry. There’s a lot of nefarious and dangerous stuff that happens in the field of fashion and the world of modeling if we aren’t discerning, so I want to help change this industry on a deep level.

4. Using one word how would you describe your passion?

- My passion is ELECTRIC 🔥

5. Who is the person that inspires you the most and why?

-The people who inspire me the most are those who go after their dreams with no hesitation. I don’t have anyone specific that I look up to, but I’ve learned to really look up to myself. That’s the person I’m willing to bet on.

6. If you have the power to share anything with the world, what would that be?

- I would share my joy and my own power with others. I can’t pour from an empty cup so I know the importance of cultivating my own joy, but I absolutely love spreading my happiness and motivating others through my own actions. When I’m able to work on myself, I become magnetic to the people around me and that’s contagious.

7. What are your goals for the near future and do you have any exciting projects which you want to share with all of the readers?

- My goals are to continue creating and capturing people’s soul essence. Over the years, I’ve learned to fall in love with the journey; to fall in love with the unknown and the mystery of life. I look forward to receiving incredible opportunities and being recognized for my creativity but I don’t feel attached to any outcomes.

8. If you could say one thing to someone younger who looks up to you, what would you say?

- To the younger generations I would say: doing what you love is the most healing thing you can do. It’s medicine. We think healing is this big complicated process when in reality, it’s really about infusing passion and joy in the things that light you up. It’s about blazing your own trail and creating an inspiring path for others to use as an example. Don’t be afraid to shine brightly and be in your creative essen.


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